Records have never been the goal but to learn about your own limits.
Go slow to go fast. 80 % of success is preparation.
We are learning by doing not by talking about it.
Situational leadership is our recipe to success: The leader
is the one who is able to manage the situation the best.
The rules we agree upon are the rules that count.
The higher we were climbing the more professional we became.
A team player is somebody who knows his own limits and is able to lead himself.
To arise after battering often is the higher performance than reaching the peak.
Just to approach my goal makes me feel happy
You do not only feel close to nature you become part of it.
A higher level is not to become hectic under time pressure.
Mountains always evoke happiness in myself.
Without my friends and partners on the rope I never would have reached the most important peaks.
I have learned to prepare for battering beside the goal.
Speed and skilled instincts are survival elements in the death zone.
I did not only share moments of joy with my friends but also fear. This is how impossibilities became possible.