born as the fifth of six children
1983 - 1996
schooldays in Munich and Bad Tölz
1996 - 1998
military service with the mountain infantry / Skiing devision in Mittenwald und Murnau
1998 - 2001
studying International Management the Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, UK
Abschluss: Bachelor of Science im Juli 2001
2000 - 2001
exchange semester the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, USA
Seit 2003
CEO Dynafit und Board Member at the Oberalp Gruppe
Dynafit ( ist eine Marke der Oberalp Gruppe (
Ab 1987
competitive athlete - cross country at SC Hochvogel
Langlauf beim SC Hochvogel
Januar 1998
First rank
at the International Military-Ski-Championship in Austria
März 2000
First rank at the British University Rowing Championship eight oars in Nottingham, UK
at the British University Rowing Championship eight oars in Nottingham, UK
2003 - 2006
Mitglied der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft Skibergsteigen
Second rank
at the ,Patrouillie of the Glaciers‘, the world largest Skitouring race
2006, 2008 und 2010 beim weltgrößten Skitourenrennen
almost yearly
in the Alps and on 8000 meter high mountains